Hope all is well going well for everyone, I wanted to take some time and catch you up on what has been going on from the shop. After the last coffee table build I went in the direction of fulfilling Autumn floor lamp orders and other small projects for individual clients. Also, I have finally decided to move onward from the shared work space I have been in over the past couple years and search for a studio of my own. It has been a fun and challenging couple years in starting my own business and I am excited about moving forward, learning from my mistakes and expanding my successes. Below is a collection of shots taken over the past few months, nothing crazy, just keeping busy.
I have really enjoyed creating the lighting, such as the Autumn Floor Lamp, and maintaining a pace of work I enjoy...slowing down, using hand tools and creating a product that I am proud of. Once things are back up and running, I plan on launching a small line of handmade furniture based on a new floor lamp design that was completed before I moved out of my old space. These pieces will still be made to order, using hand selected materials and an acute attention to detail. My intention is not to move in the direction of a production furniture shop but to maintain a pace of work and attention to detail I prefer.
Needless to say, I am anxious to get back in the shop but I do have a small window in which I can be patient and find the right space. During this time Haley and I have some travels coming up as well, so although not wood related, there will still be a post or two to look forward to.
Here is to finding my new work space and moving on.